The Iran You Have Not Seen (In Pictures)

Modern Iran in pictures

A woman at a press conference.
One of Iran’s most famous movie directors, Niki Karimi. (Photo: MojNews/Wikimedia/CCBY4.0)
A richly decorated ceiling.
A house in the city of Kashan. (Photo: sunriseOdyssey/Flickr/CCBYSA2.0)
Aerial view of highways in the foreground and a city in the background. The highways are flanked by grass and trees.
Tehran. (Photo: Nahid V./Flickr/CCBY2.0)
A blue lake surrounded by mountains.
The Karaj Dam, where people go to practice water sports such as water skiing, sailing, canoeing, kayaking, swimming, and fishing; plus hang gliding. (Photo: Ninara/Wikimedia/CCBYSA2.0)
A sunny beach with palm trees. Some people are playing volleyball on the sand.
Kish Island. (Photo: Blondinrikard Fröberg/Flickr/CCBY2.0)
A girl having fun with a painted optical illusion at Kish’s pier. (Photo: Blondinrikard Fröberg/Flickr/CCBY2.0)
A woman scientist does research inside a lab.
AryoGen, a pharmaceutical company. (Photo: Tasmin News/Wikimedia/CCBY4.0)
A rocket launching towards space.
Launching a rocket with a satellite at the Imam Khomeini National Space Base. (Photo: Tasnim News/Wikimedia/CCBY4.0)
Picture of a telecabin about to leave its landing and to dangle over a valley down below.
Lahijan city. (Photo: Blondinrikard Fröberg/Flickr/CCBY2.0)
8 smiling young men and women sit around a table outside laughing and talking while they eat.
Tourists having lunch near the village of Yazd. (Photo: Matthew Carson/Flickr/CCBYND2.0)

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