44 Powerful Quotes by Napoleon Bonaparte

Oil portrait of a young Napoleon. He has longish, straight, brown hair, a long nose, big eyes, and he is wearing a military uniform.

“Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.”

– Napoleon

Napoleon at 23 or so by Henri Philippoteaux,
1835. (Photo: Wikimedia/CC0)

“The word impossible is not French.”


“If you want a thing well done, do it yourself.”


“Envy is a declaration of inferiority.”

Oil painting. A young man in uniform sits on a desk inside a stone cell. He is consciously studying papers and what looks like a map.
Napoleon at 25. Napoleon in the Prison of Nice in 1794, by Edward M. Ward, 1841. (Photo: Historic England Archive/Wikimedia/CCBYSA4.0)

“The fool has one great advantage over a man of sense -he is always satisfied with himself.”


“Courage cannot be counterfeited.”


“War is becoming an anachronism.”


“My most splendid campaign was that of March 20; not a single shot was fired.”


“A man who has no consideration for the needs of his men ought never to be given command.”


“More glorious to merit a scepter than to possess one.”


“Great men are meteors designed to burn so that earth may be lighted.”


“The superior man is not by nature impressionable. We praise him, we blame him; it matters little to him. It is to his own judgment that he listens.”

A very regal Napoleon poses covered in kingly clothes. He has a crown on his head and a scepter in his hand.

“Prosperity is the best tie between prince and people.”

– Napoleon

Napoleon in Coronation Robes by Francois Gerard,
c. 1804 (Photo: NapoleonIIIofFrance/CCBYSA4.0)

“The heart of a statesman should be in his head.”


“In planning one’s course in life, one should always reserve the right to laugh tomorrow at the ideas of yesterday.”


“Public opinion… capricious as it is, it is, nevertheless, right, reasonable, and just, much oftener than we are disposed to think it is.”


“From triumph to downfall is but a step.”


“Misfortunes have their own heroism.”


“After making a mistake or suffering a misfortune, the man of genius always gets back on his feet.”

A gloomy painting of defeat. Napoleon rides a sad horse in the snow surrounded by freezing, ragged, and defeated troops.
Napoleon’s retreat from Moscow by Adolf Northern, 1851. (Photo: Wikimedia/CC0)

“Adversity is the midwife of genius.”


“As a rule, it is circumstances that make men.”


“My soldiers did not fail me; it is I who failed them.”

Painting. Napoleon, dressed as a general, talks to three other well-dressed men. they are inside a palace.

“A man is known by his conduct to his wife, to his family, and to those under him.”

– Napoleon

Napoleon visiting the Tribunat by Merry-Joseph
Blondel, 1834. (Photo: Wikimedia/CC0)

“In pardoning, we rise above those who insult us.”


“Impatience is a great obstacle to success.”


“Audacity succeeds as often as it fails.”


“In war, luck is half in everything.”

Painting. Napoleon in the battlefield surrounded by his devout troops.
Napoleon’s Return from Elba by Charles de Steuben, 1818. (Photo: Wikimedia/CC0)

“The presence of the general is necessary… It was not the Roman army that reduced Gaul, but Caesar. It was not the Carthaginian army which held the Republican army trembling at the gates of Rome, but Hannibal.”


“Nothing is more difficult than to decide.”


“Even if social law gives men identical rights, nature will never give them identical faculties.”


“Nothing that degrades a man is useful for long.”


“Strong souls resist pleasures of the senses as mariners shun reefs.”


“The best way to keep one’s word is not to give it.”

A white statue of young Napoleon.

“There are only two nations: East and West; and two people: Easterners and Westerners.”

– Napoleon

Napoleon aged 15, statue by Louis Rochet, 1853.
(Photo: Rama/Wikimedia/CCBYSA2.0FR)

“Europe is a molehill. It has never had any great empires -like those of the Orient- numbering six hundred million souls.”


“Conquerors should know the genius and the language of every religion. They ought to be Moslems in Egypt and Catholics in France…”


“… All moral religions are beautiful… What is there in the Vedas, the Koran, the Old Testament, in Confucius, in them all in a word? a pure morality- that is to say, protection of the weak, respect for the laws of the country, and a belief in one God…”

Painting. Napoleon receives a delegation of Eastern men inside a palace. Napoleon is in French military garb, the men wear long Eastern robes and turbans.
Napoleon I receiving the Persian Envoy in 1807 by Francois-Henri Mulard, 1810.
(Photo: Wikimedia/CC0)

“A beautiful woman appeals to the eye; a good woman appeals to the heart. One is a jewel, the other a treasure.”


“Love is folly committed by two.”


“Marriage, to be happy, requires a constant exchange of confidences.”

Painting. Napoleon and Marie Louise stand next to each other while a cardinal marries them. They are richly dressed, surrounded by richly dressed people. The ceremony takes place inside a palace.

In great crises, it is the portion of wives to make reverses bearable.”

– Napoleon

Marriage of Napoleon and Marie-Louise (detail)
by Georges Rouget, 1810. (Photo: Wikimedia/CC0)

“Ever since I left you, I have been sad. I am only happy when by your side. Ceaselessly I recall your kisses, your tears, your enchanting jealousy; and the charms of the incomparable Josephine keep constantly alight a bright and burning flame in my heart and senses.”

Napoleon [Letter to his wife Josephine]

“I thought I loved you some days ago; but, since I saw you, I feel that I love you even a thousand times more. Ever since I have known you, I worship you more every day.” [Letter to Josephine]

Napoleon [Letter to Josephine]

“My life, what a great novel!”

Napoleon [Napoleon used to say this when he was exiled in Elba]
Painting. A man stands on a cliff looking at the ocean and giving his back to the spectator. He is in military clothes. There is a sense of longing in the picture.
Napoleon in exile. Napoleon in Sainte-Helene by Frantisek X. Sandmann, 1820.
(Photo: Wikimedia/Public domain)

The quotes above were double-checked; they do belong to Mr. Napoleon. They come from his letters, texts written by his acquaintances, and from trustworthy books that gather Napoleon’s sayings.

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